To do in the coming time
[complete timeline here]:
- The Steering Committee has approved all topics. See the overview
You should have received an email confirming your thesis topic and your main supervisor, which also determines the University at which you will write your thesis.
With that information you and the partner university can start making the necessary arrangements for the 4th Semester:
enrolling (including enrollment payments) and housing.
- The thesis semester 4 of course has not started yet. So, your main task is finishing semester 3. But you can and
should be in contact with your supervisor about preparing your Extended Research Proposal (ERP).
What is an ERP, actually? See some explanation and examples of last year
- After some puzzling we have now assigned reviewers for all topics, as you can see in the updated topic list. Reviewers only will be active at the ERP assessment, the midterm presentation and in your final defense. Check out their role in the Student Handbook (link below).
Contact the thesis coordinator, Barend Köbben, by email