Topic Choice & Development Workshop (Dresden, 12 December 2024)

The workshop will be about the next step in your topic selection process: making an initial choice of (a) topic(s) for the 1 January deadline.

These are the SLIDES USED...

[1] We explain & discuss the process: 1st idea ⟶ Topic ⟶ Proposal ⟶ Thesis

To be able to go through the process, you'll need to understand how an initial idea could lead to a proposal of research objectives and a research methodology. We will explain this using examples from earlier years.

[2] You try yourself the process: Topic ⟶ Proposal

We now ask you to try yourself to take the step from initial topic description (proposed by staff or yourself), towards a proper research proposal.
  • Select one from current list of proposed topics at the website (or use your own topic idea if you have it)
  • Ask yourself the following questions:
    • What is or could be the Research Objective [RO]...?
    • What Research Questions [RQs] should be answered to reach the RO...?
    • What methodology could be used to answer these RQs...?
  • Prepare a brief (1 page/few slides) presentation of your answers

[3] You share, review & discuss the process with peers: Topic ⟶ Proposal

  • Explain your proposal to your peer(s) – convince them it would work!
  • Ask questions, discuss problems, point out weaknesses...

In addition, the thesis coordinator will be available again for in-person consultations in case you have individual questions regarding the master thesis that go beyond the scope of the workshop. Please sign up for a consultation on this Google sheet . You can also always ask for an online consultation by emailing the thesis coordinator...