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Other tags to be placed in the head
The "Search Engines" like Yahoo or Alta Vista make use of basically two elements in the head, the <meta> tag. The meta tag contains keywords and descriptions on which an "innocent" visitor of a search engine is performing a query. So, what would you type in when you want to find sites of mapmakers. These names should be just those you might enter in the meta tag: <meta name="keywords" content="LovelyMaps, tourist maps, route maps, cartography "> <meta name="description" content="A small group of enthusiastic cartographers pleased to help you."> These tags do not need to be closed.

The body tag
If something has a head, it probably will also have something as a body. And indeed, the tag beneeth the </head> is <body></body>. Inbetween these two tags all elements are placed that will be visible in the page. In the <body> tag some information for the body background can be placed, either an image can be inserted, or a colour (information on colour and images will follow in a later stage).
If colour is added to the background, the description looks like this: <body bgcolor="#rrggbb"> in which rrggbb stand for codes of red, green and blue. If an image should be the background, the following description is used: <body background="image.gif">

Type in the code in the TextEditor, save it and have a look in the browser ...





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