clear txt  

Plain text
In the previous exercise we prepared the base of the HTML file. Inbetween the <body> </body> tags we can type text, without any coding.

Just try it out, take the html file of the previous chapter and type the following lines (give normal hard-returns for line-breaks):

What is that?
A small company, three enthusiastic cartographers who have their own ideas on how maps should look like. We can make the real "old-fashioned maps", but with the newest techniques we prefer to produce just that different map you are looking for.
Our names are: Jürgen Labowski (also project coordination), John Mitchell (also acquisition) and Anne Langdon (design proposals).
We are specialized in Tourist maps and Route maps, but are of course capable of making all types of cartographic products.

Save the file and open it in your browser, you should see something like ....

What's wrong?
Most likely the ü is not appearing in the way it should, but as a strange symbol or very different character. Every normal character of the alphabet is displayed correctly, but for special symbols, like accents, a special code is used.
A list of most occuring accents and their code:

é &eacute;   ñ &ntilde;
á &aacute;   ø &oslash;
ü &uuml;   â &acirc;
ë &euml;   å &aring;
ç &ccedil;   æ &aelig;

accent The small character can be replaced with a Capital character if needed. The open (&) and close (;) symbol always have to be there, the character and the accent description can change.
Within the HTML text the code is entered like this:
J&uuml;rgen to get Jürgen.

The second problem noticed is one long line of text, what you already might have expected after the previous few activities you did. Continue to the next page, and let's see what has to be done get the text more organized.




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