clear design  

So, you have an idea for a Web site. Probably you want to sit at your computer and start producing straight away. Alas, you have to restrain yourself a little and start in a complete different way. First figure out what you want your site to do and then construct a blueprint before you dive in.

Get out a large sheet of paper and take a pencil. Start with making an old fashioned draft of how you want your Web site to look like. This part of the design stage has two elements:

  1. the design of a "map" of the site. Questions as "Who is my audience?", "What do I want to tell them?" and "How am I telling it?" have to be answered. The basic content has to be clear, before you start. In a later stage you always will be able to change, add and delete. Try to picture the structure, how many main entries do I have and how are they related.
  2. not only an overall site organization has to be worked out, but also a basic layout and design of individual pages. A first start should be made for the choice of colour and graphics. Try to make a first sketch on how the navigation interface has to look like.
For this short course we are creating an imaginary site. Step by step it will grow, get more mature. Please continue to the next page.



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