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Something you should know
You spend a lot of effort on design and programming of your Website. It looks fine on your system, so ready for publishing on the WWW. Mostly what you see on your screen is not necessarily the same as others will see on theirs. Think of the wide range of types and makes of computers, so many possible combinations of hardware that you might get dizzy when only thinking about it. Apart from the types of computers, there are different types of Operating Systems and different HTML browsers available. All people have set their environment to what they experience as most ideal. Most likely there is hardly any system configured the same way.
Every configuration handles the HTML files in a different way, shows more or less colours or only monochrome, either shows images or doesn't, shows text in the way you planned or uses own fonts and sizes. Connection speed is not the same, somebody can have a high speed connection and somebody else only has a 14K4 modem. Also the Servers they are connected play a role in how the files are submitted. Well, it is up to you to get your site looking nice everywhere ...

All browsers can read HTML files, even though the interpretation can be different.But as with software also HTML has different versions, not every browser version can read the latest HTML version. Let's start with the real basics every browser will understand in the same way.

Browsers execute commands which are placed in-between a "smaller-than" "<" and a "larger-than" ">" symbol, without spacing between the symbols and the command in-between. This is how such a command basically looks: <command>.
Such a combination of symbols and command is called a "tag". When the browser faces a command it will execute it until it finds a command which tells the browser to stop. Every "open" tag has to be closed again. A command can be closed by placing in the tag before the command a forward-slash "/". This is how such a command basically looks: </command>.
Every HTML page starts with <html> and ends with </html>, so the browser knows how to interprete the content of that file. The extension of that file however has to be "filename.html". When typing in an address of a site the browser first will look at a file called "index.html" and will open it. If there is no such file the directory will be shown, instead of the opening page. Not really what you want, ...

Open the TextEditor of your choice, and create a new file
. save the file in the directory "lovelymaps" and give it the name "index.html". The file has to be in the ASCII format, so a standard txt file. Type the <html> open tag and the </html> close tag as shown below in the illustration. Save the file and open it in a new page of the browser. You should see an empty page ...




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