clear pagesetup  

Why do we need to know the HTML coding when we have a wide choice of WYSIWYG editors? It is just a matter of approach from our side. We share the idea that, if you want to be able to design a good working Web site, the basics have to be known. Most WYSIWYG editors can do a whole lot of HTML programming for you, but sometimes there is a need for little changes, things that the editor can't handle or can't handle well. Many times too much code is generated, more than is needed for a good working site. Then the programmer needs to trim excess code from the pages. On the wide-open Web, "fat" pages are not really wanted, the download time should be as short as possible, the page should be as "slim" as can be.
The only way to get rid of that excess code is to edit the html file itself, which is no more then a text file.

Tools needed
For execution of the following exercises you need two software packages running on your PC. That is the browser you using to view these pages and a simple text editor, such as Notepad (MS Windows) or TeachText (Apple Macintosh). The text editor is our basic programming tool, the results of programming will be viewed in the browser.

To be able to view these pages as well as your own programming, open a "new" empty window in the browser.

If not yet done, first create the Directory as shown on page 5 of the previous chapter on your HardDisk in which the text files, and later on also the image files can be saved.




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