clear text  

<h3> tag
On this page a number of tags and their effects will be shown. In HTML land there is a choice of 6 different heading-sizes. The tag used for this is <hn> and </hn>, here we need an "end" tag, to stop the head. The "h" stands for "head" and "n" is a number from 1 to 6, where 1 gives the largest heading and 6 the smallest. This is the notation <h1>heading1</h1>and <h6>heading6</h6>, and this is the effect:



<font size="3"> tag
Size is another possibility to emphasize text, the tag for this is <font size="n"> and again an end tag </font>. "n" can be a number from 1 to 6 (where 1 is the smallest and 6 the largest, very consistent..) and here is the notation <font size="1">size is 1</font> etc.and the result is:

size is 1 size is 2 size is 3 size is 4 size is 5 size is 6

Other font-related tags
Here some of the most used tags are shown:
<b>bold text</b>
<strike><strike through text</strike>
<blink>blinking</blink> text to attract attention (only in NetScape)
<font color="#3300FF">bluish</font>text colour

Text-related tags
Apart from the tags which have a direct impact on the characters, you can make use of a set of tags that influence the way text is positioned on the page:

<h4 align=center>Centralize a Heading</h4>

<center>To centralize a normal textblock is done with this tag, which can also be used for centralizing images. Using "right" makes it possible to align the text on the right side.</center>

<blockquote>Sometimes a certain piece of text is quoted, or has to be lifted out of the normal text. This can be done with this tag, which causes space to be created on the left as well as on the right side.</blockquote>

Open the html file of LovelyMaps" in the text-editor and play around with these tags. Also make combinations of tags, e.g. bold underlined italic centralized text.

Have a look at the result in your browser ...




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