clear lists  

Sometimes the information you want to place on a page should be in one way or another be organized in lists. HTML contains a number of codes that allow you to make these lists. Basically there are three types: un-ordered list, ordered list and definition list. For practising the following information has to be ordered:
Maptypes produced by "LovelyMaps": tourist maps, location maps, route maps, imaginary maps

Unordered list
The tags used here are <ul> and </ul> to indicate the un-ordered list, and <li> to indicate the items to be listed. The definition looks like this:

Map types produced by "LovelyMaps"
<li>tourist maps
<li>location maps
<li>route maps
<li>imaginary maps

This is the result:

    Map types produced by LovelyMaps
  • tourist maps
  • location maps
  • route maps
  • imaginary maps

Within this list a so-called "nested list" can be made:

Map types produced by "LovelyMaps"
<li>tourist maps
<li>location maps
<li>route maps
<li>imaginary maps

With this as a result:

    Map types produced by LovelyMaps
  • tourist maps
    • monochrome
    • colour
  • location maps
  • route maps
  • imaginary maps

Create a list of different products "LovelyMaps" produces and try to get the code correct. Add tags as <bold> <size> etc to elements of the list. After typing it in the HTML file, check it in the browser ...



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