clear images  

Transparent GIF trick
Today's Web designers make extensive use of a transparent single pixel GIF to position elements on a web page. The single pixel GIF hardly uses any file space, so therefore no delays for downloading. The single pixel GIF however gives the designer full freedom of placing the image exactly where it is wanted. The trick is to add to that single pixel GIF a certain vertical space (vspace) and/or a certain horizontal space (hspace). In the example I used a hspace="47", the total command-line is:
<img src="images/dot_clear.gif" width="1" height="1" border="0" hspace="47><img src="images/logo.gif" width="50" height="51" border="0" alt="logo of Lovelymaps"><br>

Combine the hspace and vspace to push the image around.

In an earlier lesson you were told that tables are important tools for the Web designer to get all elements exactly there where required. The combination of the transparent single pixel GIF's and tables provides even more control. The WYSIWYG HTML editors also make use of these elements.

Use the table of one of the previous exercises and insert, instead of text, the logo of "LovelyMaps". Do not be afraid to try out different settings. Try, Learn, try, learn, try, learn ...




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