clear images  

Inserting an image in the HTML file
This is done with the tag <img src="directory/imagename.type" width="number of pixels" height="number of pixels">.This tag is placed in the HTML file, where the image has to appear. As in the example of the directory of "LovelyMaps" for placing the "logo.gif" on the "index.html" file the description is: <img src="images/logo.gif" width="50" height="51">. The result is the placement of the logo. Animated GIF's are placed in the same way.

Start up the Text Editor and open the HTML file of "LovelyMaps" you worked on before. Save the logo of "LovelyMaps" in the directory "images" you already created in an earlier exercise. The logo can be saved by placing the pointer in your browser on the logo of "LovelyMaps" and pressing the right mousebutton. Use the option "Save Picture as..." and indicate the directory in which the file has to be saved (this is the procedure for MS Windows). For Apple Macintosh users: point on the image, press "control" and click the mouse at the same time, select "Save this image as ...". Give it the name: logo.gif.
In the HTML file you have to type the command-line for placing the image in-between the <body></body> tags. Save the file and open it in the browser.

Border around the image
Some browsers will show a blue line around the image. When inserting the command border="0" after the height="51" the line will disappear.

Positioning of the image
this is the 'alt =' text HTML has limited options for positioning of elements. Standard placement is on the left-side of the browsers window. The image can be positioned on the left or right hand side by inserting the command align="left" or align="right". When using these commands in combination with a text block, the image will be placed on the indicated side of the text. Text will be wrapped around in the free space.
For positioning also additional parameters are available: vspace="number of pixels and hspace="number of pixels" which will place white space around the image.

Alternative text
Some browsers do not support images or sometimes the "surfer" decides not to see images (to increase speed of browsing). To tell these people that a certain image is used an extra command can be added to the image tag. The command alt="name of image" will display the "name of image" in the browser. Most browsers will use the "alt" text to display in a pop-up text that appears when you move the mouse over the image.

Open the HTML file of "LovelyMaps" and add the commands just learned to the image tag. Also have a look at the effect when changing the number of pixels for height and width.

Set an "alt" text and see if it displays in the pop-up message.




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