clear tables  

Tables were originally meant to organize complicated information, it gives a clear overview of the data shown. Nowadays tables are also used as a toolfor layouting the HTML pages. Most recent browsers will display tables in a correct way.
To show the importance of tables to you as a tool for layouting, the tables used to layout this page are made visible

The <tags>
Basically we need three sets of tags:
<table> and </table> to indicate that a table starts and ends,
<tr> and </tr> to indicate the start and end of a row,
<td> and </td> to indicate the beginning and end of a table cell.

Extra table values
A table and its cells can have a line thickness, a certain width, a height and free space around the cell content. These settings have to be inserted in the <table> tag. The descriptions of the values are:
border="n" sets the thickness of the outline of the table (n is a value, indicating a certain amount of pixels).
cellspacing="n" giving the space between the cells
cellpadding="n" is the empty space around the cell content

An example:
<table border="5" cellspacing="5" cellpadding="5">
<td> this</td>
<td> all</td>

The result:
content of this
table is all

Go to the HTML file of "lovelyMaps" and try to make a table. Play around with different settings...




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