clear frames  

The code for the frameset
A frameset is a very simple HTML page, containing information about the the amount of frames, their sizes, their names and their appearance.
In red additional notes. Start with the standard HTML <tags>
Inbetween </head> and <body> the <frameset> defintion. In the opening tag the size of the different frames has to be written in pixel values. The * indicates a variable value, the given values will be fixed. With framespacing set to 0 the frames will fit without a space.
<frameset rows="120,*" cols="150,*" framespacing="0">
Now the separate frames are described.
<frame src="logo.html giving the HTML file to be placed in this frame name="logo" the name of the frame scrolling="NO" no scrollingbar will appear along the side, even when the information will flow over, so it is a matter of design to keep all information within the frame frameborder="NO" gives no borders noresize makes the frame fixed>
<frame src="banner.html" name="banner" scrolling="NO" frameborder="NO" noresize>
<frame src="navigation.html" name="navigation" scrolling="NO" frameborder="NO" noresize>
<frame src="content.html" name="content" scrolling="AUTO" this frame contains all kinds of information and here the "surfer" needs to have influence on the size frameborder="NO">
<noframes> for those who still have browsers that do not support frames, a message can be placed here inbetween the body tags
<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">

<H2>Sorry, you need a browser that supports frames</H2>


Mostly a page like this is the opening page of your site and therefore it is better to give this file the name "index.html".

The src=file.HTML
After producing the frameset, all four separate source files hve to be designed and written. Take care that the elements not exceed the dimensions as indicated in the "rows" and "cols" definitions.

Open the texteditor and construct a frameset and the four source HTML files. Change some settings, take different background colours, type some text inside. Save the files and open the frameset file in the browser.





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