clear frames  

What are frames
Frames divide a web page into different areas so that different HTML files can be loaded into specified areas in the same Web page.

What is the use
Frames commonly are used to splitup a Web page into areas reserved for navigation and content for a page. Also an area often is reserved for commercial use or banners. The advantage of these frames is that fixed elements of a page only have to be loaded once.

A frameset is a file that defines a web page with frames. A frameset stores information about the size and location of the page's frames along with the names of the files that should be loaded as the content for each of the frames.
What a user sees as a single web page with two frames is actually three separate files: the frameset file, and two HTML files containing the content that appears inside the frames.

The first step is to make a design for the division into frames. Dimensions are not given in centimetres or inches, but in pixels, since ths is the measurement unit the monitor also uses. Start with a sketch on paper ...




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