clear frames  

In the previous chapter the method of constucting a link was explained. At the navigation side of this example links are also used, but now as a tool to open a HTML page in the "content" frame of the frame set.
In the HTML file "navigation.html" a simple navigation is constructed. Open in the text editor the "navigation.html" file and add in the body the following lines:
Location maps
Tourist maps
Imaginary maps
These four entries are part of the navigation system to be constructed. "Home" refers to the already existing "content.html", the opening page with some information on "LovelyMaps". The other three can refer to three other HTML files, eg. "location.html", "tourist.html" and "imagin.html".The code for "linking" is:
<a href="content.html">Home</a> that will open the "content.html" file unfortunately in the same frame as the navigation is in. By adding the target frame of where the "content.html" file should be opened in, the problem is solved. The code then is:
<a href="content.html" target="content">Home</a>. The coding for the others is not too difficult:
<a href="location.html" target="content">Location maps </a>
<a href="tourist.html" target="content">Tourist maps </a>
<a href="imagin.html" target="content">Imaginary maps </a>
And now it is only a matter of creating the different HTML files.

Open the text editor and construct the "navigation.html" file in the way as described, also give some content to the four referring HTML files. Save the files and open the frameset file in the browser.





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