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Ordered list
The tags used here are <ol> and </ol> to indicate the ordered list, and <li> to indicate the to be listed items. The definition looks like this:

Map types produced by "LovelyMaps"
<li>tourist maps
<li>location maps
<li>route maps
<li>imaginary maps

This is the result:

    Map types produced by LovelyMaps
  1. tourist maps
  2. location maps
  3. route maps
  4. imaginary maps

Within this list a so-called "nested list" can be made, in tshe same way as described for the unordered lists. To get somewhat more structure in the ordered list, a "type" description can be added in the <ol> tag, like <ol type=i> indicating that the numbering uses i, ii, iii etc. When using the tag <ol type=I> the capital version will be used.

Map types produced by "LovelyMaps"
<li>tourist maps
<ol type=i >
<li>location maps
<li>route maps
<li>imaginary maps

With this as a result:

    Map types produced by LovelyMaps
  1. tourist maps
    1. monochrome
    2. colour
  2. location maps
  3. route maps
  4. imaginary maps
Unfortunately, Netscape and Explorer do not show the results in the same way.

Create a list of different products "LovelyMaps" produces and try to get the code correct. Add tags as <bold> <size> etc to elements of the list. After typing it in the HTML file, check it in the browser ...




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