This is the "landing page" for the KARTOWEB server (

The following sites and subsites are available by clicking the links:
M-Carto thesis pages:
Semester 4 Thesis information
Thesis topics site
Thesis administration DB
Geografie (journal of KNAG):
Links to (interactive) maps, and figure DB
National Atlas of the Netherlands:
Webversion 2e Editie
geometrics  Geometrics site gondwana  Gondwana site
Various D3 HTML5/javascript examples and experiments:
NatAtlasNational Atlas of the Netherlands:
proof-of-concept interactive 3rd edition
rimapper  RIMapper / TimeMapper project site
bjk Barend Köbben webpages Register 1975-2003 van het
Kartografisch Tijdschrift

OSGEO Open Source GIS & WebCartography workshops & courses Mapserver example pages Database 1989-2003 rubriek
Uit de Tijdschriften
Kartografisch Woordenboek

  Contact the webmaster at b.j.kobben -at-