Repository for thesis materials

To keep the size of your (printed/PDF) thesis manageable, you'd normally put content that is not directly necessary for the "academic storyline" in (digital) appendices. Examples of this are surveys, transcripts, programming code, style sheets, etc. Similarly, content that is not publishable in text, such as animations, interactive maps, movies and programmes can be published online.

You have to make sure that this digital content is findable for the reader of your thesis – the text should contain clear and stable links to the content, and it should be available on platforms that can be located and accessed from the web by everyone at no cost. There are several options, we highlight two here:

  • ITC repository: We offer the possibility to host your online appendices and other materials through a really simple list-based interface on an ITC webserver. This service is available to all M-Carto students. Just drop an email to the Thesis Coordinator and we will create a repository for you. It is advisable to have your repository created early, so you can include the link to it in your thesis text, to forward readers to your (future) appendices. You can have your actual content uploaded later (even after submission of the thesis), and it will be accessible through a simple interface – see this example:
  • GitHub: this is a platform and cloud-based service for software development and version control using Git, allowing developers to store and manage their code. It provides the distributed version control of Git with added publishing options. It is very powerful, but suited specifically for software development, and usually overkill for simple sharing of digital documents – but really powerful if your thesis work contains code you want to share and possibly develop further...