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Creating special effects with JavaScript
Special effects are triggered by events that are most often directed by the user. Such an event can be the loading of a WWW-page, which causes an animation to start, a sound to be heard or page statistics to be updated. Another event is called 'mouse-over', which starts animations or sounds when the mousepointer is moved over an object on the WWW-page.
The mouse-over event is a useful trigger to attract extra attention to specific objects. For example, the logo of 'Lovely Maps' can be replaced by another image when the mousepointer is upon the image area and restored when the mouse is outside the image area.

In a browser this looks like (move your mousepointer over the image to see the effect):

The JavaScript code for this special effect is:

< a href="#"
onMouseOut="MM_swapImgRestore()" >
< img src="images/lovelymaps.gif" width="100" height="100"
name="logo" border="0" > </a >

The functions "MM_swapImage" and "MM_swapImgRestore" are defined in the header section of the HTML-code:
<script language = "JavaScript">
function MM_swapImage() {.....}
function MM_swapImgRestore() {.....}



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