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Characteristics of Java
Java was designed to have the 'look and feel'
of the C++ programming language, but is a lot simpler to use. Java-applets are compiled in a byte-code that can be run on any server or client in a network, which is equipped with a Java virtual machine (software which acts as an interface between bytecode and platform-dependent microprocessor).
Java follows an object-oriented approach, which means that, among other characteristics, similar objects share common code, greatly reducing the amount of programming code necessary to achieve similar effects at different locations or time steps.

Java and JavaScript
For special effects JavaScript is often used instead of Java. JavaScript is an interpreted programming or script language from Netscape. It is somewhat similar in capability to, for instance, Microsoft's Visual Basic. In general, script languages are easier and faster to code than the more structured and compiled languages such as C and C++ and are ideal for programs of limited capability or that can reuse and tie together existing compiled programs.
JavaScript is used in Web site development to do such things as:

  • automatically change a formatted date on a Web page
  • cause a linked page to appear in a popup window
  • cause text or a graphic image to change during a mouse over event
JavaScript uses some of the same ideas found in Java, the compiled object-oriented language derived from C++. JavaScript code can be imbedded in HTML pages and interpreted by the Web browser (or client). Current HTML-editors are often capable of automatically generating the necessary JavaScript-code for the most commonly used effects.



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