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Links to files with another format than HTML
It is also possible to provide links to files with another format than HTML. Your browser should be equipped with the proper "plug-in" software to be able to display the file in the proper manner. If this is not the case, your browser will respond with the message "Plug-in not installed" and will ask you if it should save the file to disk. The HTML-code is identical to the code for hyperlinks to other HTML-files, only the file extension will be different:

<a href="">
word from main text</a>

Plug-ins will be discussed in some more detail in one of the next sections.

"Mail to" links
A special type of link is formed by the so called "mail to"-link which starts your browser's e-mail functionality and opens a new mail message containing a predefined e-mail address. For example: clicking on webmaster will enable you to send an e-mail to the editor of this course manual. The corresponding HTML-code is:

<a href="">webmaster</a>



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