Mapping Comfort: Identifying and Integrating Comfort-Based Indicators for User-centered Routing
Short description: This thesis focuses on comfort-based accessibility by identifying and mapping indicators of comfort specifically for routing applications.
Staff involved: Yu Feng (
; David Duran Rodas (Urban Structure and Transport Design - TUM)
This master’s thesis focuses on comfort-based accessibility by identifying and mapping indicators of comfort specifically for routing applications. The research aims to determine key factors influencing comfort, such as infrastructure quality, environmental conditions, and user perceptions, through fieldwork and spatial analysis. Using Geographic Information Systems (GIS), these indicators will be visualized to create comfort maps. An algorithm will then be developed to integrate these comfort indicators into routing applications, enabling the generation of routes that prioritize user comfort. The study contributes to advancing user-centered mobility solutions by providing tools to enhance routing systems with comfort-based considerations.
Feng, Y., Zhang, P., Xue, J., Chen, Z., & Meng, L. (2024, October). Walking in the Shade: Shadow-oriented Navigation for Pedestrians. In Proceedings of the 32nd ACM International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems (pp. 677-680).