
In the framework of the research theme STAMP (Spatio-temporal analytics, maps and processing), hardware and software facilities are offered in a fully equipped spatial data visualization and usability analysis facility, the two VISUSE Labs. The labs are available to staff and MSc and PhD students across the UT. The VISUSE Visualization lab offers up-to-date facilities for research in spatial data visualization, including augmented and virtual reality, and 3D-visualization. Our research focuses on advanced visualization solutions to increase understanding of complex dynamic systems and to support decision-making at a variety of spatial and temporal scales.

In the interactive panorama below you explore the Visualization lab. The equipment in view is:

  • On the desk the powerful graphics workstation that controls the Virtual Reality environment. Next to it a laptop to control the large Barco touchscreen, and the HTC Vive Pro Eye Virtual Reality glasses.
  • Between the windows and the desk is the free space reserved for the VR playground, use of the large Barco touch screen, and the 3D monitor. In the corners you see the sensors that track the movements of the test person wearing the VR glasses.

A short movie of the HTC Vive Pro Eye Virtual Reality glasses in use.

Microsoft Hololens 2 Augmented Reality glasses.

Testing going on in the VR space.

The HTC glasses and its accessoires.