
In the framework of the research theme STAMP (Spatio-temporal analytics, maps and processing), hardware and software facilities are offered in a fully equipped spatial data visualization and usability analysis facility, the two VISUSE Labs. The labs are available to staff and MSc and PhD students across the UT. The VISUSE Usability lab offers facilities for doing use, user and usability research. Techniques that can be implemented (e.g., thinking aloud, screen logging, audio & video recording, physiological data acquisition) are centred around a Tobii eye-tracking system. The system can also be used to investigate the interaction of users with displays on mobile devices like smartphones or tablets. In addition, mobile eye-tracking for doing user research in contexts outside the laboratory is possible with the help of Tobii Glasses 2 equipment.

In the interactive panorama below you explore the Usability lab. The equipment shown:

  • On the left desk a laptop on which the Tobii Pro Fusion is mounted, a compact, high-performance eye-tracker, and a desktop monitor with the older Tobii static system.
  • On the right desk the Tobii Glasses 2, for mobile eye-tracking users of e.g the tablet shown, or a phone. Next to that computers for controlling and recording experiments.

Tobii Glasses, for mobile eye-tracking.

The Tobii Glasses connected to a tablet.

Eye-trackers are used to record where test persons look in a usability experiment.