FACILITIES for the MSc. Cartography
On these webpages we will provide an overview of the facilities that are available for the students of Cartography Master of Science Programme of the four universities in Munich (TUM), Vienna (TUW), Dresden (TUD) and Twente (UT). We will highlight the location and functions of the main buildings used and the teaching, study, lab and social facilties they offer.
The MSc. Cartography students spend the first three semesters respectively in Munich (winter year 1), Vienna (summer year 1), and Dresden (winter year 2). Then they write their thesis (summer year 2) in any of these or in Enschede. Find out more about these locations by selecting them in the map below...

How to use this site: Throughout this site you will encounter a similar layout in each page.
Pages go from general to more detailled, you can drill down by clicking links in the text or on
clickable maps.
Use the ∆ GO UP ∆ menu to move 1 step up in the
hierachy or jump directly to the main sections TUM, TUD, TUW and UT, or to this home page.

Most pictures can be clicked to enlarge them.