7.0 Introduction

Below are links to external resources on the WWW and some literature resources provided at the ITC library (http://www.itc.nl/library).


7.1 WWW resources

7.1.1 Basics of geodesy:

7.1.2 Basics of map projections:

7.1.3 Map projection tools:

7.1.4 Coordinate transformation tools:

7.1.5 Coordinate Reference Systems in the world:


7.2 Literature resources at ITC library (http://www.itc.nl/library)

- Datums and map projections: for remote sensing, GIS and surveying Lliffe, J.C.,Lott, R. 2008
- GPS for land surveyors: third edition van Sickle, J. 2008

Europees coördinatensysteem is voor Nederland vooral een kans van Buren, J.,Hemmatnia, E.,Lemmen, C.H.J.,van Oosterom, P.J.M.

- Cartographic science: a compendium of map projections with derivations Fenna, D. 2007
- Finding out transformation parameters and evaluation of new coordinate system in Sri Lanka Karunaratne, F.L. 2007
- National report of the federal republic of Germany on the geodetic activities in the years 2003 - 2007 : XXIV general assembly of the international union for geodesy and geophysics, IUGG, 2007 in Perugia, Italy Müller, J.,Hornik, H. 2007
- A window on the future of geodesy : Sapporo, Japan, June 30 - July 11, 2003 Sansò, F. 2005
- Reports on geodesy Sledzinski, J. 2005
- Geodetic signatures of glacial changes in Antarctica : rates of geoid - height change and radial displacement due to present and past ice - mass variations Sasgen, I.,Wolf, D.,Martinec, Z.,Klemann, V.,Hagedoorn, J. 2005
- GPS satellite surveying Leick, A 2004
- Use of the spatial reference object model to enhance projection and datum transformation Hendrikse, J.H.M. 2003
- Small scale map projection design Canters, F. 2002
- The global positioning system and GIS: an introduction Kennedy, M. 2002
- Satellite altimetry and the earth sciences : a handbook of techniques and applications Lee-Lueng Fu,Cazenave, A. 2001
- Regional geoid determination : an application to airborne gravity data in the Skagerrak Marchenko, A.N.,... [et al.] 2001
- Redesign of regional level cadastral surveying and mapping processes to support title registration system of Sri Lanka Ratnayake, S. 2001
- Design and implementation of workflow management system for cadastral surveying and mapping in Tanzania Nyambita Magare, E. 2001
- Datums and map projections : for remote sensing, GIS and surveying Lliffe, J.C. 2000
- The global positioning system and inertial navigation Farrell, J.A.,Barth, M. 1999
- Map projection transformation : principles and applications Yang, Q.H.,Snyder, J.P.,Tobler, W.R. 1999
- Final results of the Baltic sea level 1997 GPS campaign : research works of the SSC 8.1 of the International Association of Geodesy Poutanen, M.,Kakkuri, J. 1999
- Surveying Bannister, A.,Raymond, S.,Baker, R. 1998
- Developing an optimised information system to support the operations of survey and mapping department in Uganda : focus on cadastral surveying and mapping George, W.  
- AXION cartographic map projections of the world : 76 modern and historical map projections 1998
- Introduction to geodesy : the history and concepts of modern geodesy Smith, J.R. 1997
- Global positioning system : theory and practice Hofmann-Wellenhof, B.,Lichtenegger, F.,Collins, J. 1997
- Land surveying Wilson, R.J.P. 1977
- De geoïde voor Nederland de Min, E. 1996
- GPS for geodesy Kleusberg, A.,Teunissen, P.J.G. 1996
- Map projections : a reference manual Bugayevskiy, L.M.,Snyder, J.P. 1995
- Teaching and learning map projections with a computerized tutor Kainz, W. 1993
- Flattening the earth : two thousand years of map projections Snyder, J.P. 1993
- Climate and sea level change : observations, projections and implications Warrick, R.A.,Barrow, E.M.,Wigley, T.M.L. 1993
- Satellite geodesy : foundations, methods, and applications Seeber, G. 1993
- Satellite altimetry in geodesy and oceanography Rummel, R.,Sansò, F. 1993
- Coordinate systems and map projections Maling, D.H. 1992
- Some aspects of a 3 - dimensional reference system for surveying in the Netherlands : quality analysis of GPS phase observations Kösters, A.J.M. 1992
- Department of defence world geodetic system 1984 : its definition and relationship with local geodetic systems
- Matching the map projection to the need : committee on map projections of the american cartographic association Robinson, A.H.,Snyder, J.P. 1991
- An album of map projections Snyder, J.P.,Voxland, P.M. 1989
- Detailed population projections for small areas : the Massachusetts experience Nakosteen, R.A. 1989
- Projections for fuelwood supply and demand in the Konto River watershed : Kali Konto River Project : ATA 206, phase III Bekkering, T.D. 1989
- A land use projection model : analysis of the dynamics of rural land use through GIS : final project of postgraduate course LIS - rural application 1987-1988 Manluctao, E.M. 1988
- Map projections used for large - scale quadrangles by the U.S. Geological Survey Snyder, J.P. 1987
- Map projections : a working manual Snyder, J.P. 1987
- Applied geodesy : global positioning systems - networks - particle - accelerators - mathematical geodesy Turner, S. 1987
- Which map is best? : projections for world maps 1986
- Geodesy: the concepts Vanicek, P.,Krakiwsky, E.J.  
- Coordinates in geodesy Heitz, S. 1985
- Regional population projection models Rogers, A. 1984
- Map projections used by the U.S. geological survey Snyder, J.P. 1982
- Space oblique Mercator projection : mathematical development Snyder, J.P. 1981
- The 1980 softwood timber assessment market model : structure, projections, and policy simulations Adams, D.M.,Haynes, R.W. 1980
- Geodesy Bomford, G. 1980
- Positional accuracy in optical orthophoto - projection Passini, R.M. 1978
- Conformal projections based on elliptic functions Lee, L.P. 1976
- Approvisionnement en viandes de l'Afrique de l'Ouest : Tome I + II analyse de la situation actuelle et projections 1975 - 1985 pour six pays de la région Tome III étude régionale : production, consommation, commercialisation Tome IV prévision régionales et propositions pour l'approvisionnement en viandes de l'Afrique de l'Ouest Sarniguet, J.,de Mieulle, J.E.,Blanc, P. 1975
- World maps on the August epicycloidal conformal projection Schmid, E. 1974
- A systematic analysis of distortions in map projections Hradilek, L.,Hamilton, A.C. 1973
- Coordinate systems and map projections Maling, D.H. 1973
- The use of stereographic projection in structural geology Phillips, F.C. 1971
- Map projections Roblin, H.S. 1971