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PNG (Portable Network Graphics) is a file format for compressed graphic images that is expected to replace the GIF format. PNG was developed by an Internet committee and will be patent-free.
PNG provides a number of improvements over the GIF format. Like a GIF, a PNG file is compressed lossless. A PNG file is not intended to replace the JPEG format, which is "lossy" but lets the user make a choice between compression and quality when the image is restored. Ideally, an image in a PNG file can be 10 to 30% more compressed than in a GIF format.
The PNG format includes the following features:
  • transparency of colour, plus a control of the degree of transparency (opacity).
  • Interlacing.
  • Gamma correction allows you to "tune" the image in terms of colour brightness for specific platforms (for example, one tuning for Windows and another for the Mac).
  • Images can be saved using truecolour as well as in the palette and gray-scale formats provided by the GIF.

At this moment some features e.g. the transparency do not yet function in the browser versions now available. Many of above mentioned features however will be implemented in the near future. PNG file doesn't support animation.
Software houses will be able to develop variations of PNG that can contain multiple, scriptable images.

Note that the PNG format is not supported in some browsers (eg. Netscape Navigator 4.7), which will therefore not show the image on top of this document...

When to use PNG compression
This compression method is best used for similar images as were mentioned for GIF.




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