clear Newdevelopments  
division How it should look
Now that you have figured out what your site is about, who the viewers are, and what kind of technologies you want to use, it is time to think about design.
Not everyone has a large monitor, so your most important elements need to be at the top of the page, where viewers will see it immediately. The smallest monitor is 640 by 480 pixels, so your design should work on that basic size.
Think of that first screen as the front page of a newspaper. Really important stuff goes on the front page, and the most important information goes on the top or (in newspaper terms) "above the fold".
Something to take into consideration is: Westen people read left to right and top to bottom, it's good to be aware of how your audience's eyes will travel across the page. When looking at a page you will automatically start at the upper-left corner first, so this is the best place to put something really important. We will place there the logo of the company and on the right hand side let's place the name.
For a site like this, it is advisable that navigation is clear, in one overview it has to be clear how the site is structured. This means that the text and/or icons used for navigation have to be selfexplanatory. If you are not sure that your whole page will stay within one screen, the navigation tools can be repeated down at the bottom of the page.
In the centre of the page we will have the information. A golden rule is not to have too long sentences, organize the information well. When using images, sound and/or animation, let them be meaningful. Do not use elements that are only decorative. The sketch of the site for "LovelyMaps" can be something like this...

In a later stage we will realize that we will need a more detailed lay-out, with more exact dimensions, fonts and sizes, etc... But for now this will do...



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