clear User guide  

For optimal use of this course a short explanation.

Active links
In the text sometimes parts will have this bluish color, indicating an active link. You will be used to underlined text for an active link, but that is distracting the attention too much. When you click on this text with your mouse an explanation will be shown in a separate pop-up window.

Size of the browsers window
The blue horizontal line indicates the maximum width used for these pages. A vertical indication, for the maximum length of a page, can not be given. We try to limit the amount of scrolling.

Cartography home page

Clicking on this animation leads you back to the home page of Cartography.



For navigating these pages the following tool is used:
Navigation explaining
next page When one of the options is displayed grey, it means it is not active.

Help and feedback
Facing difficulties that are not covered here or in the course, needing some additions or extra information? Do get in touch with Wim Feringa, who will react as soon as possible.


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