This is the homepage of our proof-of-concept
implementations for online dissemination of spatial information,
using our concepts and ideas of a SDILIGHT architecture. "SDILIGHT"
stands for a Spatial Data Infrastructure that uses relatively
simple, low-cost, yet powerful ways of sharing data and
applications, applying Open Standards and Open Source software. The
project (and thus this site's contents) is an informal project to be
worked on if time permits, and is therefore slow-moving and limited
in scope. At present the site gives access to: The RIMapperWMS/TimeMapper project (1.1 release): This is the original RIMapperWMS 1.0 version, now with added functionality for animation by inclusion of the TimeMapper code for animated SVG layers of point data; It is a fully functional version OGC 1.1.1 Basic Web Map Service. A small inline GUI can be included (zoom/pan, layer switcher and info tool, animation GUI when animation layers are present). A transcoder for the ability to output PNG and JPEG is included. [TRY OUT RIMapperWMS 1.1 GetMap & GetCapabilities interfaces on our testing server... ] -- currently off-line, sorry...
For SVG maps and apps
you will need an SVG-capable browser:
Browsers with a native SVG renderer (FireFox 1.5+, Opera 9+, IE9+, and WebKit based browsers, eg. Safari or Chrome); or others using external plugins: a Javascript library (eg. SVGweb or Rafael) or the Adobe SVG viewer (IE plugin). |